RESULTS has championed microfinance as a key poverty reduction tool for almost two decades and currently hosts the Secretariat of the APPG on Microfinance.
RESULTS is an international citizens advocacy organisation working to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. Founded in 1980, RESULTS supports volunteer advocates across the UK and six other countries worldwide (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany and Mexico). As part of a nationwide network citizens are supported in engaging with the democratic process and raising awareness of development issues with community leaders, elected representatives and the media.
Based at the University of Greenwich, London, the Centre for International Microfinance Research specialises in multi-disciplinary research, consultancy, and training in microfinance. Working with partners in developing countries and in Europe, the Centre aims at contributing to knowledge, practice and policy-making around the world.
Five Talents is a Christian microfinance organisation supporting local initiatives in developing countries to help the active poor to start or expand a small business. We currently support business training and 12 microfinance programmes in 11 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia – providing savings and loan products to 20,000 clients. We use the worldwide Anglican church network as a means of identifying credible partners and ensuring accountability for our funds. Our partners train and lend to the active poor irrespective of religion. Our name is based on the parable of the Talents which encourages entrepreneurship and loan repayments!
Contact Tom Sanderson, UK Director, email: [email protected]

GBRW Limited is a long established bank consultancy company based in the City of London. We specialise in restructuring and developing new markets for banks in emerging markets, chief amongst these new products is a methodology for bank loans to micro and SME borrowers. We also assess and evaluate existing technical assistance and funding programmes for banks in emerging markets.

The Imp-Act Consortium is a global group of organisations working to promote and support the management of social performance by MFIs. Currently, the Consortium is working to:
• Train and support MFIs to implement social performance management (SPM)
• Build capacity to support SPM
• Share lessons learnt and ‘good practice’
• Promote reporting on social performance

MicroAid Projects Charity - seeding enterprise amongst ultra-poor through micro-aid grants for training. Indonesia focused. Works as an add on service that can be provided by existing local community development charities.

The Microfinance Club UK is a forum for people working in the UK who have an interest in Microfinance. Building upon the enthusiasm of individuals, the Club has over 700 members and supporters from NGOs, corporates, government, media, universities and the public who meet to exchange best practice, raise awareness and act as an information source for those wishing to help improve the delivery of Microfinance to the world's poor. The Club is not formally linked to any corporate, governmental or non-governmental organization.

The MicroLoan Foundation is a microfinance institution focussing on sub-Saharan Africa. We lend money to groups of women to help them build sustainable businesses, with each loan being accompanied by meaningful training and ongoing mentoring support. We also help our clients to save, increasing their financial security. Additionally, we link our groups with other services from partner organisations which are crucial to their wellbeing, such as health and nutrition training. Our main country of operation is Malawi.
Our organisational culture is entrepreneurial and we believe in applying the principles of good business management to charitable work. We are committed to making our in-country services sustainable (ie cost covering) in the long term, either from the interest charged on loans or from “fair” trading with our clients under our Microventures brand.

Opportunity International UK gives people in developing countries credit, not charity. A small loan and training can enable a poor person with initiative but no access to formal banking to develop a microenterprise. 98% of funds loaned are repaid, so your gift can be lent again and again. While charity can create dependence, our clients achieve dignity and self-esteem by supporting their families through their own hard work.

In a world where poverty is the worst enemy of humanity, PlaNet Finance aims to help the poorest fulfil their potential.
PlaNet Finance supports financial intermediaries and increases their growth by federating them and providing operational services which enable them to strengthen their technical capacities and financial resources. PlaNet Finance also works with the private sector (banks and financial institutions), governments and international organizations in order to increase microfinance sustainability.
PlaNet Finance, based in Paris (France), has developed operations in more than 60 countries and has established an international network of affiliated offices in Europe (United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal), the United States of America, Latin America (Mexico, Brazil), Asia (India, China, Japan), Africa (Morocco, Senegal, Benin) and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai). PlaNet Finance supports the development of microfinance through a number of activities to strengthen the whole sector, governments and policy makers, or directly MFIs.

Established in 1976, UNIFEM is the women's fund at the United Nations dedicated to advancing women's rights and achieving gender equality. UNIFEM works on the premise that it is the fundamental right of every woman to live a life free from discrimination and violence, and that gender equality is essential to achieving development and to building just societies. A key element is helping women achieve economic sustainability of which microfinance is a vital part.
UNIFEM UK is the National Committee for UNIFEM in the UK, a membership based organisation, raising awareness of UNIFEM's work, advocating for change and fundraising for UNIFEM projects.